Dukepope's blog about music, art, design and technology.


Visions of the Future: Science fiction art from 1976

I scanned these images from a book found in Keith Fawkes Books in Hampstead, London. It’s the messiest and most chaotic bookshop I’ve ever been into, but those are the kind of places where strange treasures like “Visions of the Future” can be found. The subtitle reads: “An exciting and novel selction of science fiction art of today”. The book was a British publication, featuring at the time young British artists. Judging from a quick round on google, most of them seem to be active still. So there is plenty of inspiration out there! Here are five of my favourite artworks from the book, which stood out among all the weird and funky sci-fi kitsch.

Bob Fowke – Eden

Bob Haberfield – Nova

Chris Foss – Early Asimov 2

Ray Feibush – Far out worlds

Tim White – Darkness of Diamondia

2 responses

  1. Nature, either taking the form of outer space or plants, is very present in these pictures. So, even if they represent the future, there is still something about the relation between humans and nature in them…

    May 11, 2013 at 1:15 am

    • I agree with you Cristophe, even if we conquer outer space at some point in the future, we will still intrinsically part of nature. May the force be with you!

      May 11, 2013 at 11:51 am

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